Hells yes. That stuff was horrid, but people bought them just because it was cool. Gotta admit, it was the coolest drink I've ever seen

Agreed. Looked kind of cool. Tasted really nasty.

But if you kind of liked the idea of floating globules...
Are you familiar with "pearl tea" ? Also known as Boba.
It's apparently been a fad in parts of Asia for 20 years, but has taken off
on the east and west coasts of the US in the past few years.
There is even a new chain which specializes in it, named "Tapioca Express."

I just discovered it recently, and the truth is, I kind of like it.
(I know, I know, I'm a little late catching the current trends. Remember, I
discovered the Empeg a little late, as well. This posting is for anyone else
who is as out-of-the-loop as I was.)
Actually, I've never tried pearl tea or pearl coffee, just the dessert-type
very sweet variants. Basically flavored sugar water with giant tapioca balls
plus some other floaty things I've been afraid to ask about.
But if you don't like tapioca pudding (or gummy bears) you might not like this.

Oh, and Futurama kicks serious ass. Not as good as Simpsons, but still really funny.

Actually, I thought Futurama was far superior to the Simpsons in recent years.
My theory was that Groening took all the best writers off the Simpsons and
moved them over to Futurama. For nerd-types the sight-gags are fantastic.
(E.g., the 6502 inside Bender, the Aleph-null-plex cinema.) The Simpsons is
a weak shadow of its former glory. But "The Simpsons" lumbers on, while
Futurama is no more.