If there was a way to use jEmplode to properly download everything back to the server, that would be nice. I know you can download with either Emplode, or jEmplode, but I haven't been able to get either to extract folder names from the Artist/Album info in the tags. jEmplode seems to lump all of the songs under one folder with the artist's name and doesn't create album folders.

The latest versions of Jemplode allow for you to specify exact file names for downloading, and you can even spec directory names simply by using backslashes in the filespec. After you grab them with Jemplode, you can tell MP3 Tag Studio to do a filenames-to-tags pass on the entire file group. For instance, in Jemplode options, I have it do the following file names:

{genre} - {artist} - {source} ({year}) - {pos:2} - {title}{ext}

Then, in MP3 Tag Studio, I do "Auto Tag From Filenames" with the following spec:

<Genre> - <Artist> - <Album> (<Year>) - <TrackNr> - <Title>.mp3

You have to be careful about what delimiters you use in the file names though. For instance, the delimiter I show above is space-dash-space, but that sometimes ends up in the artist name or the album name. So you might want to use a different delimiter. And of course, anything that's an illegal DOS character such as ? / < > : etc will become an underscore. Also, remember that if you want to use MP3 Tag Studio to do this, only the latest version (released within the last week) will allow you to use Genre in a filenames-to-tags pass.

Of course, it will be easiest when Jemplode gets tag-writing into its bag of tricks, and it can just write the tags to the files as it downloads them. Reportedly, this is coming soon.
Tony Fabris