I don't think it's too bad. I'm also trying to start web design, but I need to work on the design. I'm pretty good at HTML, but my biggest setback is that I'm not an artist.
For example, there are a lot of teenagers out there with their personal web pages They look really nice because they got a cool color scheme and have a really nice banner at the top of their page or whatever, but the rest of the thing is just a blog or something. Something that doesn't require much coding.
I'm good at HTML, but my graphics skills are sh
it. You can see that at my own sit,
My other drawback is that I'm no good at JS or other web languages. I'm not a language person. I took a year of C++, the intro stuff, and got a D.
What does this mean for you? I don't know. study up on photoshop and stuff if you want, but if you like the design of your site, don't change it if you don't want to.