Another follow-up:
Rjlov just e-mailed me another kernel which seems to have fixed the bug where song endings got cut off. I dunno if he's posted it at his web site yet. I'm going to be taking some long drives over the next couple days, and I'm confident enough in this kernel to commit to using it during these drives. I'll report back in a few days if I learn anything new about its behavior.
And to clarify for anyone else interested in trying it:
- Currently it's only for version 11a of the empeg. Mark2 owners don't get to use it yet, just us early adopters.

- You need either the Linux or Win32 kernel downloader utilities to squirt it into your Empeg. The command line to upload it is the same as you'd use to put one of those personalized-logo kernels in place: download.exe zimage_filename 10000
Tony Fabris