If this is the same one you mailed to me last night (Beta 12b, try 2), it's been working great for me all day and I haven't had a problem with it. The fade-outs now sound perfect, there are no pops, the volume doesn't seem to pump unnaturally (at least not to my ears). It also supports the custom logos fine. Very impressive work!
Now, you can decide what you want the minimum volume to be, and what input volume you want to map to that minimum volume, and it will figure out an appropriate scaling factor. At least, that's what it's supposed to do.I assume you mean that there's a hook in the code to adjust this if it ever gets integrated with the UI. You can't really set this stuff right now without re-compiling, can you? Or is it reading values from config.ini?

My only desire now is to be able to edit the parameters from the UI. I think that there are times I would want it to be more agressive than the defaults that are coded into it.
Tony Fabris