Woah! How'd you do that?
Anyway, I think that's a fantastic idea. It would also help in terms of how the language worked with the unit. I mean, we've all talked about how the unit would have to recognize a keyword like empeg to get it started, but what about the end of the command? It might not be clear-cut as to when your instructions end.
This would also help for 2 other reasons.
1) The rest of the time, the VR wouldn't have to do a thing or even be active. I presume that otherwise the VR program would have to lie in waiting, taking up at least some speed. This way it would be like a regular button command coupled with voice, and you still wouldn't have to take your eyes off the road.
2)This would be great for Mark I owners who wouldn't like the VR software running while all the time even though they don't have an empeg, or for people with Mark II's who don't have mics.
FANTASTIC idea tanstaafl! Although, I imagine they're pretty far in the process to do anything about it, and who says they have to take your suggestion anyway. (but think about...please?)