Aw, that's harsh. I definitely don't think that. But you're entitled to your opinion.
I'll just point out that it's not the same singer. The one on the first track is Nick Oliveri, the bassist, the second track is Josh Homme, the lead guitarist, and the 4th is Mark Lanegan, the...other vocalist. I can see where Josh Hommes voice may not sound very effective to you, but I think they use it quite well for the songs he sings. Part of the reason the band interests me is that they don't put a hige amount of emphasis on the vocals. In past incarnations of the band the vocals were mixed pretty much to the same level as all the other instruments. This idea of putting the individual songs ahead of the musicians is what I think makes the band great. I believe there are a total of 4 singers on that album, actually.
Then there's just the fact that I think they do really interesting stuff on there.
Also, the radio clips are explained on the DVD. It's not pretentious. Quite the opposite. The band has a great sense of humor. Heck, does that clip right before "Song for the Deaf" sound like they're trying to be serious?
Oh well. I like em. At least you were able to try out an album for only seven bucks.