As I said, I'll have to listen to it again. And I've been known to be totally off-base on my first few listenings of an album, so I might do a 180 on this. I really disliked the new Foo Fighters album the first few times I heard it, despite loving their (his?) first two, but now I enjoy it quite a bit, even though it's probably their weakest album.

I didn't realize that it was different guys singing, though. That might make a difference on future listenings, as I may have assumed one guy was trying to go all over the place and doing a bad job. The vocals were certainly a little too high in the mix, regardless, though, I think.

(As to the radio clips, I disagree. I didn't think they were trying to be serious. That is, I didn't mean ``pretentious'' in an ``Oooh! I'm so arty!'' way. The thing is that all of them were implying that the radio sucks, and, in doing so, implying that they were so much better than those lowly radio hit bands. Which is either pretentious or sour grapes, in my opinion, whether or not they are a great band. But the fact that they are implying to be a great band at all, via these mock radio clips, is pretentious, again, regardless of whether or not they are. But at least they didn't add anything to the music, as far as I could tell. It's not like it was Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.)
Bitt Faulk