Hey, can someone e-mail me the original Tux boot logo

The default Tux-waving animation (that I made for the original 2.0 release) should be attached to this message if all goes well. click here to grab it.

Note that in order to see it, you need to install the software version 2.0 beta 13, at which point it should be there by default already.

If you install Hijack atop 2.0 beta 13, you will get the Hijack animation instead of the default animation, so that's when you might need the attached logo.

Oh, and you need to use Jemplode to install the logo, of course.

BTW, the upgrade went famously thanks to the instructions provided in the FAQ. Thanks again, Tony.

No problem.

113322-Original Empeg Boot Animation.raw (133 downloads)

Tony Fabris