
Glad you spoke up on the mid-north-east meet idea. If I had any guts, I'd try to plan it, but I'll leave that for the pros. Anyway, I'm there whenever it will be.

Regarding location, do you think we could make it a multi-day event (like I was led to believe the recent Ohio meet was)? Though I'll do the day trip because I'm close, some people might want to make it a more substantial stay to justify their potentially long drives (though I'm sure they won't MIND the drive thanks to the empeg).

There are plenty of nice camping-type places in NJ and outside of NYC. No, there is probably not much civilization around them to get food and stuff (and probably not too many geocaches either, sorry). It's just an idea that I'm tossing out.

Or maybe we could take over the residence of a local empeger. That would never fly with my house (though I'd love to do it) because I'm too paranoid, but that would be a nice homey kinda thing. Well, unless we have 50 people come to the meet, that is.

Well, I'll keep an eye out for ideas for a meet (and maybe an extended meet). Oh, and I VOTE FRISBEE to be played!
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set