Okie dokie.

GPS is now being powered off of the amp remote line. Guts have been removed from their plastic casing, wrapped in black tape, and stealth-mounted inside my dashboard above the empeg. Antenna is just beneath the dash plastic, above one of the A/C vents.

Seems to get decent reception and works OK as long as I've got the engine running. Overall low-voltage problems have always happened (battery icon) when the engine wasn't running, so it did not surprise me that reception was bad without the engine running.

I now have a working GPS system interfaced with the empeg. Total cost: $9.50 + hobby-time. If it weren't for this BBS, I probably would never have got a GPS and tried it.

My deepest thanks to:

- Derrick Brashear, who first notified us of the Staples clearance.

- Jan Harkes, who wrote GPSapp. It looks to be a very spiffy little application that will suit my needs quite nicely.

- Bitt Faulk for writing Preinit.

- Genixia, for the /programs0 creation script and helping with all my software questions.

I think I will take a drive now and see how the software works.
Tony Fabris