The "ricer" phenomenon ins't unique in being a fad, there's baggy pants, mullet haircuts, giant shoelaces, beanie babies, formerly the word "groovy", etc. Things become popular, and people emulate their peers, especially when young. You can pick out a hundred fads that have come and gone over the last decade or more, easily defend the ones that you were involved in, and ignorantly bash the rest. We think these kids do ridiculous things, but they believe the same about us.

I don't do these things I've mentioned above, but I'm SURE I'm guilty of others. Actions as a kid that my parents thought were idiotic, and I know they did the same themselves. Some people would call me dumb for having to have the fastest computer I can assemble together every six months, or putting thousands of bucks into my car stereo. I can justify it, just like these kids can justify their car's body kits or something else they are doing.

It's incredible how fast this thread filled in, anyone thinking less these kids for simply being kids is old, and a snob. Which I acknowledge is often me included