caution... you need to be at least somewhat adept in a linux enviornment. this is basically borrowed from the readme in mp3tofid, so i'm not sure why you really need this.

ok, first you're going to need the following files:
mp3tofid v3.00
elvis text editor

assume that your mp3s are located in e:\mp3, and create a folder called e:\empegfids to hold all your files generated by mp3tofid.

Windows Setup:
1) install cygwin, rsync for cygwin, and vim for cygwin.
2) copy and untar mp3tofid to you home directory in cygwin
3) create an rsync.conf file and put it in the /etc directory:
path = /cygdrive/e/empegfids
read only = yes
use chroot = no

4) run contained in the mp3tofid directory to create a permanent service for rsync's daemon.
5) run the command mp3tofid -Ii /cygdrive/e/mp3 /cygdrive/e/empegfids to generate all relevant files.
*whenever you update your mp3 collection, repeat step 5

Empeg Setup:
1) using an ftp program, copy rsync and elvis to the empeg.
2) untar rsync.
3) create a file using elvis containing the following:
set -x
swapon -a
rsync \
$@ \
--times \
--delete \
--verbose \
--recursive \
--copy-unsafe-links \
--exclude=config.ini \
--exclude=lost+found \
${rsyncserver}::${modulename}/drive? /
swapoff -a

4) run and be done with it.