I am making some headway, but it seems like it doesn't want to advance past:
+ /rsync-2.5.5/rsync --times --delete --verbose --recursive --progress --copy-un
safe-links --exclude=config.ini --exclude=lost+found '
rive?' /
But how long should it take? I am only uploading 370MB for a test.
EDIT: rsync: failed to connect to Connection refused
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(97)
I have rsync installed as a service. But is there a way I can make it run all the time instead of it being automatic. If I try to start the service, it will start and then stop, because windows says it has nothing to do.

Edited by MP3944 (20/10/2002 14:27)
1987 Porsche 944 http://www.heeyyguys.com