>> Is there a mode implemented for the empeg in which it will happily play my
>> MP3s, but interupt those as soon as a traffic announcement is received?

> This is a common question. As I understand it, this feature is planned but
> not yet implemented. The cool thing about the empeg is that features like
> this can be added with a simple download of a new piece of player software
> (once the feature gets written).

This does sound to me as if it might never be written. I already posted this question (to the onelist.com empeg mailinglist) about 6 month ago, and as far as I remember, I got about the same answer. Because I rely on TAs (Iīm travelling quite a lot, and traffic jams arenīt that uncommon in Germany), this would mean to me that I would either stick to listening to the radio, or get stuck in some traffic jam. Both not valid options to me.
On the one hand, I canīt stand waiting to finally order my empeg MK-II, on the other hand ordering the empeg does not really make sence as long as the above feature is not available (yet), or at least projected for the near future.

proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord