I had purchased my first MK2 for ~$1800. Had visted SB to purchase a 2nd when I saw the blow-out pricing. Tried to order several at $199 and a few tuners, but their damn shopping cart was broken. By the time I ordered by phone, only the 30GB units were available, so I ordered 8. Ordered two additional from carplayer.com. I now have 11. I purchased these not as an investment, but rather a guarantee that I would have an empeg until I do the final "init 0" I've offered a couple friends units at cost, but they are too dense to recognize their value and have not taken me up on the offer. I'll update my will to require a Mk2a to be installed in my Casket (without a sled.)

The empeg fits like a glove, and empeg Ltd has been a gem of a Company. If they hadn't been purchased by SB, I would have gladly invested in them.