I stared the process of getting the empeg in my car.. for the FIRST TIME. Poppin' my own has become an exorcize in frustration. I've had to go 2 and from work many times. I finally got to the point of action... and it turns out I have one of the sleds with bad connectors (2 empegs opened, 3 defects so far. I'm getting that hombrew flavor going on.). I had the forsight to purchase a couple sleds just before the empeg store closed. Another trip home and back... (5+ trips total)

I'm there, all my stuff is ready. I've told all my friends and girlfriends to blow off this Friday; I'm puttin' an empeg in my car. I carefully strip some cables and go into the work room......and the soldering iron is missing.


Ok, seriously,


Given that I've had IDE cable probs, VFD dimness (still to be fixed) AND now this sled issue, I think making sure your NIB empeg is working before the warranty expires would be an excellent idea. I wonder if SB made any money on the units they sold @ full price.....