This album really surprised me. What I usually love most about Tori's albums are the harder "production number" pieces, like "Riot Proof" or "i i e e e". Ones that are loud and rocking. Her more somber pieces usually don't turn me on as much.

This album is nothing like that. The whole album is very soothing, there aren't any hard edges (at least not musically, haven't read the lyrics yet ), it just sort of flows smoothly. That's not usually the sort of thing that blows me away.

But then I was listening to it on the way home tonight. It was in the portable CD player going into the aux-in on the empeg. And with each song I kept going "wow, what an incredible song". I parked the car and literally sat there listening for about 20 minutes until the rest of the family got home. I just couldn't get myself to turn off the key. And this is saying something, because the first thing I'd planned to do when I got in the door was stick it in the Jupiter and listen to it while it ripped. I couldn't even bring myself to spare the 60 seconds it took to do that.
Tony Fabris