Haha, yeah, I guess people usually say Kazaa or Morpheus. I don't trust those programs farther than I can throw them (and since they are computer programs, and I can't physically throw them anywhere...)

I like iMesh for a few reasons:
1) availability ratings. I know other programs have these, but I find that these are more accurate. and even if something has a 1 star rating, if you leave the program open for a day, you'll probably get it.

2) multiple sources. I think iMesh does this better than the other progs. I've seen it, for more popular files, gather up to 10 sources, and had me downloading at well over 70 KB/s.

So anyway, I've heard several people say they don't like it, but oh well. I definitely used to suck, back in Napster's glory days, and now it's just a memory hog, but I like it.