Good god, I haven't used my VRC to tape a show in years. I don't even have cable. I do watch some TV but I really don't care if I miss a show or not.
I've found that the Tivo/Replay features are some that can only truly be appreciated once they are owned. (Kind of... like the Empeg?) I had several friends that didn't get it until I sat them down and showed them how to program in shows to record, the search functions and pre-generated lists of shows/movies/etc for finding obscure stuff that they would have watched had they known about, etc. (I'm not insinuating that you "don't get it", Laura! I'm just citing other people I know who have said similiar comments in the past.)
For example, I record The O'Rielly Factor every night. I don't necessarily get to watch it every day, and I only keep one show. If I miss it, no big deal. But the last aired show is *always* within reach if I want to watch it. That's a key feature, basically having any show you want at the touch of a button. That's basically Video On Demand, but the difference is that you're managing the repository yourself, rather than having to deal with a service that has had to be dumbed down and generalized for many users.
Tivos and RePlays do not themselves lead to more TV watching IMHO, they lead to signifigantly more efficient TV watching. You cannot beat reducing an hour show into 46 minutes, or a 30 minute show in 23 minutes.
Then again, some people just don't want to watch that much TV. Maybe they'd rather listen to their MP3 collection on their Empegs.

I'm starting to get a renewed appreciation for the music I own as I load up the new Empeg as I did when I first got the RePlay.
- Rick
- Only one stock 10GB Empeg (I just got it last week and I LOVE it!)