is there a SPACE on the remote? I can find all the letters but dont know where the space button is.

This was confusing to me too. Tony Fabris just about had to beat me over the head to make me understand it, and then I felt pretty silly because it makes so much sense.

You don't need space, punctuation, hyphen, underscore, numbers, etc.

You just type on the remote using whatever buttons you do have and the software is smart enough (fuzzy search logic) to find what you are looking for. For example, Suppose you wanted to find a song you had titled "Hey, 6 Times is Too Many". (I just made that up -- I don't think there really is such a song. ) You would go into Search mode on the remote, then press the "4" ("ghi") button; then press the "6" ("def") button, then the "9" ("wxy") button, then the "8" ("tuv") button, then the "4" ("ghi") button, etc. Note that we skipped the comma, the spaces, and the numeral 6. Each time you press another button in the search, you narrow down the number of songs that can meet the search criteria. If you had no other songs in the player whose titles started with the letters "G", "H", or "I", then the first button press all by itself would have found your song.

Read this post a couple of times, then experiment with it, and it will become clear, and you will be amazed at the search capabilities of the remote and the player software.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"