I've not yet had a chance to try out gpsapp with my Garmin GPS, but I plan to do so soon. (I need to rig up a permanent incar power supply first)
Anyway, here's a similar feature idea to the one you mention...
I'd like to use waypoints to mark places of interest I might encounter as I drive. Examples might be speed cameras, restaurants, service stations, garages, phone boxes, pubs, theme parks, historical sites, car dealers, accident blackspots etc. These could be independent points of interest or associated with a particular route as per the current waypoints.
Each of these could be entered with a number of attributes such as description and, ideally an associated WAV file to play and an image (maybe just a file in empeg .RAW format or whatever) to display as I approach that site. The warning distance could be configurable too, maybe with a number of different WAV's played at specific distances...
I'm envisaging driving along listening to my empeg playing when suddenly GPSAPP chimes, shows a picture of a cheesburger on the display and says 'McDonalds 1 mile ahead'....
A slightly more serious application might be to warn when approaching an accident blackspot (cue skull & crossbones pic) - maybe this could be linked to current speed so that it's possible to play a more urgent WAV if approaching the blackspot at dangerous speed...
In the UK there is a product called Geodesy (www.morpheus.com) that uses GPS technology to warn when approaching speed cameras and blackspots. I don't really want to add yet another display to my car (especially one which is v ugly compared to the empeg), so it strikes me that the same functionality could be built into gpsapp instead. Of course, licensing a database of appropriate locations is another matter entirely....
What do people think?