Good points!
R/W access really does seem to be a big sticking point for many of the add-on projects discussed here. I'll have a think about that one for a while...
You're really quite fortunate not to be subjected to the proliferation of cameras in the UK; at least there's some scope for reason with a patrolling officer. I think the only reliable option for this would be to pay for access to an existing database, such as the one maintained for Geodesy. I believe this is charged at £10/month, which is quite reasonable for a little piece of mind. However, I've no idea if they would be willing to allow 3rd party products to use that data.
So, the only viable short term option I can see is recording points of interest in car using the GPS directly, then performing some kind of off-line sync. with gpsapp. My Garmin GPS has a 'man over board' function that creates a waypoint with a default name by pressing one of the keys twice. This might just about be workable while driving to record coordinates. Then some kind of PC based utility would be necessary to extract the waypoint data from the GPS unit, add attributes and select WAV & BMP's to go with it, then upload the new list to empeg.
That sounds like a lot of work, but might be good enough for recording POI data for individual use. Recording more than a few waypoints at a time in this manner would get tricky unless the points were named on the GPS as they were defined, otherwise it would be difficult to remember which way points mapped to which POI.
Of course, if R/W access were possible on the empeg no PC software would be necessary (wishful thinking!).
Despite these limitations, adding support for WAV files, perhaps a graphic and speed/proximity thresholds for waypoints would be useful for routes as well as general POI.
I can't imagine the file format to support this type of thing would be hugely complex, so I might think about knocking together a quick windows app to provide a GUI for editing a POI database.