Get a single-drive unit, like the 18gb model, and when you fill that up, add your own drive...Tony, you are a great chap! You not only can't stand being without empeg yourself, you can't even stand somebody else being without empeg any longer than absolutely necessary!

Well, your suggestion was all the time plan A, of course. I was more or less just trying to get Rob put arrival of larger drives in a more precise timeframe (I should have known better, knowing how he avoided commiting to a timeframe for open-sourcing emptool even as he was preparing announcement for the geek site :) If it was in a month or two, I might well wait: I am leaving for vacation, then I have to find resourcefull installer to solve Twingo installation problems, my home machine for ripping (and streaming once em...oops, Rio Receiver starts shipping) is still not there - my home machine is now an ancient ThinkPad under RedHat (and office is full of various Unices)... In other words, time enough. But you are probably right - why to deny myself a nice toy for a couple of months?
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia