It's funny that this thread popped up. Two days ago, an ad appeared on Craigslist (a local bulletin board of sorts) for a pair of Acoustic Response speakers for $250. I wrote the guy a note and said "nice white van speakers dude!" and also posted a note on Craigslist warning people not to pay over 10 bucks for the speakers.

The guy wrote me back and said "what are you talking about dude?" So I wrote him back and said "did I get the color of the van wrong?"

He then wrote back and said "haha, yeah, they were a gift and the person that gave them to me told me something about a van... what do you think they are worth?"

Of course, I wrote him back and told him the throw the speakers out as they weren't worth a dollar... He got pretty defensive at that point and said that they sounded great.

Different strokes...

- Jon