For what it's worth, a friend and I have managed to get data out of my Valentine 1 radar detector (via the remote display cord) - it's actually kind of cool. I built a quick little TCL/TK applet to mimic the display and it's darn near real time. I'm working on logging each hit I get with the radar detector and then using gpsdrive to create a 'radar map' of the areas that I drive frequently... the latest (v 1.30) version now has mysql support, making inserting new 'hits' probably much easier than I thought.

I had considered trying to use the empeg as a remote-display device, but hadn't gotten there yet. With all of the other little oddments that life throws my way, it's fallen down on the priority stack some. :-)

That's just my $.02.
Dan Gentry Empeg Mk II, 12GB Blue, #106 [email protected]