Picked up the live package and Unreal Championship over the weekend. All I can say is wow.... I had prepared myself for lag and didn't expect the voice aspects to be very good at all. My better half was out of town all weekend, so I needed something to keep me occupied, ... I picked the Live package up saturday morning and found myself trying to tear myself away from it at 3 in the morning. The voice aspect is great and crystal clear providing an excellent line of communication to your team mates (and not as much trash talking as I expected) as I was hosting most of my own games there was practically no lag, I recieved no complaints of lag from the people playing along with me. All in all I have to give Live two thumbs up! The only complaint I have is that you buy it at the store... only to then be forced to enter a credit card, your address, phone, birthdate (the whole speil) and are told you'll get charged after your year of live is up... (I already frickin paid, why am I entering this?). But after I bit the bullit I was too emersed in gaming to care...
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's