I think this will honestly be the "next" thing in console gaming

I've actually been pretty upset about this for a while now. Personally, I hate FPS's. Maybe I just need to pick up some dramamine sometime, but I always get sick from playing them. So if you don't like FPS games, there isn't much point in playing online. Yeah, there's that Star Wars Galaxies thing coming out, but I don't really care about that game. It doesn't interest me. I did play online for a few days in Half Life, but considering how many people out there make these games their lives, what's the point of going on and getting th sh*t kicked out of you? That, and from what I've seen of the internet community outside of this message board, there isn't anyone out there I have much interest in playing with.

I would far rather have my gaming company focus on gaming quality than on the fastest way to get online support.

Oh, and I'm also sad, because if the rest of the Final Fantasy games are going to be online, then I guess I won't play any more of them.

I will now go bac and play FFIV. By myself