It's not the background noise that I'm concerned about - I suspect that most peoples' noise comes from after the empeg anyway. What concerns me is that we know that SAM is supposed to be used to avoid large (potentially speaker-damaging) transients during certain operations and without knowing exactly where the player uses SAM, we can only guess as to what we'd need to test. Sneaking it in is not the way to go here - it definitely needs to be in an alpha build, and preferably a beta too (assuming alpha was ok) so that any problems arising from such a change are more likely to get caught.

For the record, I don't hear any problems arising from this so far. But then again, when I developed the bass/treble code in hijack, there was an early version that sounded ok to me, with tiny transient clicks when the value was changed. Apparantly that same version nearly blew Tony's eardrums out - so I'm inclined to suggest caution.
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.