Well, as it turns out, the tuner mute depends on SAM. With the SETSAM ioctl() dummied, there's no way to mute the tuner. So I guess one of the Empeg guys would have to chime in and tell us whether there's another way for the player app to mute the tuner without setting the DSP to SAM. If not, then it's back to the drawing board.

I don't have anything connected to my AUX input, but I'm guessing the same rule applies to AUX.

So for now, I am going to try to find a nice neat way to intelligently toggle SAM while the audio overlay buffers are playing, but I don't know how easy that's gonna be.

I think I'm gonna drop a quick email to Peter asking for a little more info about when SAM is used, and if it is indeed used for these so-called "transients."

Incidentally, I would be happy to alpha test v2.0.

Edited by yn0t_ (26/11/2002 18:54)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff