First and foremost I'm a fan of the books and the film but strangely enough I kind of agree.... To a point.

The problem I see with the stories, and probably what this guy is trying to get at, is that Tolkien wrote a very boring series. I disagree that the story is bad but the way it was told in the books tends to make your head spin at times with little reward.

Tolkien just 'assumed' that the readers of LOTR would have the same depth of imagination that he did about his creation. I don't know about you but I don't have enough spare time to learn elvish languages or delve into secondary characters family-trees for the sake of an anecdote.

The overall fact is that the stories weren't ment to be black and white logic (hence the Wizards, elves, magic, fantasy thing.) The fact that this guy spent sleepless nights justifying the "walk to the Volcano" since he was 10 shows that he missed the point.