You'll need to know a local if you want to actually find the decent places.

I remember a guy in Phuket running after me in 1998 with CD in hand yelling "Oracle 8! XXX baht!" (XXX at the time was about $12) then slashing that price in half a block later. Nothing so blatant here.

I've never gotten interested in finding pirated CDs or fake Rolexes, much to the dismay of the many touts here (though much less agressive than in Thailand...)

I may be the only person to visit Hong Kong this year who didn't buy anything. Lots of folks definitely here for the shopping. I'm going to take one more side trip to another spot in Kowloon today that supposedly has interesting shops.....___ ___ Po (name escapes me at the moment), but will probably just window shop). There doesn't appear to be any great price advantage and I have too many gizmos already!.

(Oh, in that vein I have to say that ny attempt at war driving on the Hong Kong tram and a waterfront boat --"Warsailing"?-- with the Zaurus/kismet haven't turned up anything. So here I sit -- wireline! Life is tough. Time for another latte!)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.