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[Spoken like Oakland (CA)].

Now this I didn't know, and funny you should mention. Whilst getting an AM dose of AOL/T-W/CNN, I noticed the CNN weather babe say "Oakland" with a map of Aus/New Zealand behind her and thought "hmmm, what a funny pronunciation."

There was a case about 15 years ago now, when some guy waiting for his plane at LAX (or possibly SFO - can't be sure now) heard an announcement/boarding call for what he thought what his flight "to Oakland (CA)", it wasn't until the plane was about 1 hour out into the Pacific heading on the 13 hour direct flight to *Auckland* as the flight crew handed out immigration visa forms, that the guy realised he'd got on the wrong plane and told the aircrew of his problem.

When he arrived up in Auckland, (with no passport of course, as he was only getting a local flight from LAX to Oakland), he was denied entry to Auckland, "held" in the transit lounge for about 8 hours and then put on the next flight back to LAX.

Don't think its happened since though...
I think the airline had to pay the cost of the flight back to LAX as they hadn';t checked his boarding pass (and lack of visa/passport) properly.

Hate to think of the hassles the guy would have now if it happened again, post 9/11.