Well, it doesn't eliminate ANY of my legitimate email; have you actually tried it? The reason probably is that anytime I respond to someone, I automatically have their email address added to outlook. When you install Choicemail it imports ALL of those email addresses and puts them to the "white list"; anyone not on the whitelist gets sent an email asking for authorization; mass marketers will never fill it out so they will never come through. For example... today I received 21 "unknown" messages meaning choicemail obviously did not recognize the senders and when I looked at them, I didn't either. All of the email addresses and domains on the white list did come through. So, I'm not sure why 90% of your legitimate would not come through, it's actually a simple process. It may *seem* be a little more time consuming to set up but as long as I don't get unsolicated email I am happy.

I have used Mcaffee SpamKiller with the filter updates and it really seems Draconian to me since it'll acually stop legitate email from coming through and it'll let spam come through. I don't see how a filter list will ever become 100% effective if you don't do it like Choice mail.

My opinion of course and I am still on my 14day free trail.
