Many (okay, several) of your rules say ``move to folder: Inbox'' instead of ``move to folder: spam''. That looks like your problem.

You are correct -- two of them were directed to the wrong folder.

Those two contained:
penis, porn, sex, size, teen
$, cartridges, DVD, free, gift

and I am guessing that the way the filter works, the first applicable filter it finds will be the one that does the work. In this case, the first filter for "Printer Cartridges - Save up to 80% - Free Shipping Offer" that applied would have been the word "cartridges" and with the mis-labelled folder specification it would have gone to in-box.

While I am still not happy with the overall filtering capabilities of Netscape, at least I now understand that it was only doing what I, through my own ineptness, told it to do.

I am coming to the conclusion that a simple word filter is not going to be enough to do the job. No matter how many words I filter out, there will still be plenty of spam coming in that don't contain any of those words. So, I guess it's time to start investigating more aggressive solutions.

Thanks, Bitt, for the heads up, and for displaying to everybody on the bbs how dumb I am!


ps: have you started that book I recommended?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"