I actually have that problem a little in the winter too....

Well, some control firmware has been added Courtesy of Mark Lord... so in conf.ini one can put the fan-enable:1 or 0 and then high and low temp settings. I'd assume it can be enabled/disabled between ;@HOME and ;@WORK and such.

He's going to see about making it a menu at some point since right now depending on where the temp sensor is located, it might track differently then th onboard. I know mine does.. I have mine mounted (hotmelt glue - just a dab'll do ya) to the top of the Ethernet Transformer. I can't tell what it's reading since there's no display yet. Anyway....

I have the unit set at H=36 L=35 and it does track differently.

Also, I noticed I need holes in my sled! The holes in the side are great except they aren't also in the sled!! Hmmm... Need to think about that one.

Anyway - I can make the project even smaller if I get boards made. right now I'm using surf-boards and while they're ok - they're not ideal. If anyone's interested... send me an email.. I'd be happy to sell these to others.

P.S. The fan DOES stay active when in the sled and the car is off. So if you don't want it drawing 100mA when on - pull the player!!
Empeg Mk2 in fabulous green! Green Face, Green BackLit Buttons... GREEN...