I think this is a little harsh: we just want to provide a good product. This is why shipping was delayed - several units have been sold to local (geographically) testers, allowing us to provide installation support, sort out problems and so on: we can't test the unit ourselves on lots of different car setups, so we need this sort of feedback. As a result of this, two modifications (a regulator voltage change and grounding cables for the amp end of the installation) have been implemented, and we're currently waiting for production volumes of these cables/regulators to come through before we can start to ship to "distant" people (I'm not going it sit here with a soldering iron making up hundreds of cablesets :) ).
Newsletter#9 should be going out today, which details the mods above. We *have* been very busy - including getting a new employee (John) introduced to the codebase, trying to sort out bits for our new offices (phone lines, net connection, alarm...) so that we can move in.
The secure ordering site is now up - if you're one of the lucky people in the first batch, you'll be getting a mail telling you the details of how to order *very* shortly (maybe even today - I've seen the mailshot, but I'm not sure if it's going out today).
Development isn't easy to tie down to specific dates - ask Microsoft about win2000, Linus & Alan about the 2.2 kernel series, etc. We're not lying back sipping drinks and watching everyone stew :)