To quote from the customer announcement that WAS supposed to have gone out recently, but hasn't because the online ordering site has just gone down and our web guys are fast asleep in California right now..
- Cut Here -
Last month we announced that we were about to ship. As has
often been the case, fate failed to smile upon us and we have
experienced one or two glitches.
The main delay has been caused by a problem with high end
amplifiers. Good quality amplifiers usually have floating
ground - this is a technique to reduce ignition noise pickup
onto the line inputs. Most head units, however, do not have
floating ground - the exception being empeg car, which has a
top quality Burr Brown final stage.
If a floating ground pre-amp is connected to a floating ground
amplifier the noise reduction effect is reversed and ignition
noise is experienced. This is corrected by fitting a small
in-line grounding cable to the line inputs of the amplifier,
totally eliminating the problem.
Unfortunately we didn't pick up on this problem until one of
our beta testers upgraded his amplifier. We feel that it is
our responsibility to provide the ground adapter cables,
therefore we have had to wait for our manufacturer to produce
them for us. Delivery is expected about a week from now.
As I write we HAVE in fact shipped a few players to paying
customers, and expect to start shipping greater quantities as
soon as the cables arrive. Hopefully we will have fully shipped
our first batch around the end of the month.
Therefore it is now time for you to decide for sure if you would
like to purchase an empeg car player.
- Cut -
I think saying that we have lied is offensive and implies some deliberate intention to deceive. If that's the case, why do we have a policy to not charge a single credit card until the product actually ships?
Everyone at empeg are very upset about the delays, and we're sorry for the inconvenience, but we're working around the clock (literally) and putting everything we have into shipping this product.
The next newsletter is sat in my out tray at the moment. Out of courtesy to the first batch of clients I can't send it until they've received their mailshot, and I can't send that until the online ordering site is fixed. By Monday both mailings will have gone out.
(Definitely NOT with empeg customer services hat on, it's far too early in the morning for marketing speak)