k, now that i know that you're listening, i have a couple more bug reports. =)

first, you cannot unmark a track on jemplode. it seems like its working until you sync, and it goes right back to being marked. i havent tried it the other way around.

second, you did a good job locking the parent window when in a middle of a sync, but you can still drag folders/files (i got impatient and wanted to try it. its the Q&A in me from my first few jobs). it messes up the playlists afterwards, but you dont really see it in jemplode, but when you open up emplode, then you see that there are all these errors.

had to delete all my playlists (which wasn't a problem afterwards. the hashing algo just made the refs necessary again). which brings me to another pc<>empeg sync idea. have an action where it will check all hashes on the pc. if there are hashes on the empeg that dont match anything on the pc, assume that the pc copy was deleted or changed and delete from the empeg. much better than my trashbin idea, imo.

oh, and lastly, the auto-sort on sync doesnt work if you do anything else than title in the configuration. i've tried using Artist instead, but it has no effect. maybe i'm not doing it right.

i'll be waiting for your other project. =) thanks