Hi there,

I'm still interested in one of these. The key thing I'd like to do is change the sub amp cross over frequency and levels from inside the car, ie while I can listen to the effect.

It would also be useful to store a number of presets that are available from a hijack menu. I presume that the hijack code to tweak the DSP is still forthcoming? Can this be done?

I don't mind a self assembly kit, I'll even give surface mount a whirl if necessary! As for price, I guess £50 would be about the most I'd want to pay for this. Any more and I'll stick to clambering over the back seats instead!

Thanks for your efforts with this. If you get to the point where you have something working, but not enough interest to order parts and sell kits, why not post DIY instructions and part numbers instead? If you've already invested significant efforrt in getting this working, then I'm sure noone would mind paying a small fee for this information.

And there seem to be quite a few electronics savvy board members out there that could put these together for interested punters.

Thanks again,
