synchronisation process failed during stage 5:||Error 0xFFFFFF92

Yep, the same error here, after an integrety check over USB: and the error message in emplode has the same two funny characters. After CtrlAltDel (without killing anything) W98 found new hardware and wanted to search for drivers.

Prior to this failing, I aborted a sync after 30 minutes: no display on player (black);emplode telling that it was controlling the disk; the disk (in the player) active (ratling); nothing else happening.

Also I found the integrety very check slow and and timed it next time around: 7 minutes before the progess bar started to show; after 16 inutes the progress bar was at 100%; one minute later restart of the player; everything OK

mk2 6 nr 6
this was on consumer 1.0
Henno mk2 [orange]6 [/orange]nr 6