It sounds like you need a patent lawyer instead of an electrical engineer.
And whatever you do, stay away from those guys you see on the late night TV ads, "Inventors -- do you have a product that needs marketing?" type of thing.
They will do nothing for you but take your money. To test this theory, come up with the stupidest idea imaginable (say, an electric toothpick) and submit it. They will fall all over themselves telling you that, while maybe not quite as good an idea as the wheel (which they helped get the patent on, BTW) it beats the hell out of Velcro and will make you a millionaire. Just send them $200 to get things going, and the money will start rolling in shortly after. People have been known to spend tens of thousands of dollars with these ripoff artists with nothing to show for it.
A syndicated radio talk show host once issued a challenge to one of these organizations to produce one single patent that they had ever actually obtained. They were unable to do so, despite having been in the "business" for decades.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"