I just want to point out that just because someone has an agenda does not mean that their statements about it are incorrect.

That's very true. In the world of claims and counter-claims and the sometimes-depraved use of statistics, though, it can be hard to divine "The Truth" (tm) at first or second glance. It's hard (at least for a few of us on this BBS!) to become a knowledgeable expert in every controversial field and to dig back through all of the original data and perform our own statistical analyses.

So, for efficiency's sake, when I see something like that announcement from GM, I lean both sides' arguments up against the wall, step back a few paces, and try to apply that "agenda" test. Likewise, when anybody starts talking about FACTS coming from industrial concerns with billion dollar interests and biased track records, I will invite them to apply the same test.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.