Twenty volunteers from Leeds

Your Leeds correspondent here.

So, as if the guided buses taking up half the road to take six passengers each into the City Centre in the rush hour wasn't enough.

And the bendy buses that can't get round corners - I saw one demolish a lampost with its back half!

And the City loop system that statistically slows down the bus services it was meant to improve.

And the tram system (and I am a tram fan) that will take up more road, and for evermore take up a significant proportion of our taxes - because, like the Sheffield example, the City just isn't big enough to make the system viable.

So, why does this new initiative not surprise me!!!
Those pen pushers on the Council just have to have new toys.

When I came here in '72, it took 40 minutes to get to work - this morning it took 40 minutes to get to work - what congestion problem?

One day it will dawn on their worships that people relocate businesses here precisely because of the ease of local and national road access - till then I will curse as I follow one of twenty dawdling Skodas - and I bet heavily that those volunteers for freeby cars are all council employees!
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag