Anybody know how you train it out of them?
I posed this question to the "Dog Lady" in my office. Wendy is very serious about her dogs, teaches classes at the local dog obedience school, owns some award-winning show dogs and her dogs dominate at field trials all across the state. Chuck Yeager (of "Right Stuff" fame) came to Alaska on a hunting trip and one of Wendy's dogs performed so well that he offered her a staggering sum of money for the dog. Not for sale!
Here is what Wendy had to say...
To begin with, chances are high that the Boxer just wants to herd the nice, fluffy, funny looking dogs. While the "corral with 4 rams" idea does bear merit... I would suggest training with an electronic collar. The price of these range from $100 to $600. Before using this collar, you should read the TRITRONICS book regarding the use of electronic collars. I can't remember the exact title, but I'm sure it's available at, via a search for Tritronics/electronic collar conditioning.
Electronic collar training works on the premise of teaching the dog how to TURN THE COLLAR OFF! It takes several weeks of training. You start by determining the dog's stimulation level. Most collars offer at least 5 levels. The correct level is identified when the dog gives a slight shiver when the collar is activated. If the dog vocalizes, the collar is turned up too high! After you find the correct level for Mr. Boxer, call him, and continue activating the collar until the dog returns to you. Immediately release the stimulation button and reward him with a treat or a toy for coming to you. This conditions the dog to immediately return to the "safe zone" (by your side) whenever he gets a zap!
Or you could get him his own sheep and let him go crazy....
Wendy Garwood
Senior Account Manager
Clear Channel Radio
I hope this is helpful.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"