The biggest problem here is that this player has two copies of fid 100 -- the root playlist. The one in fids/_00000/100 is correct, and the one stored as fids/100 is basically empty except for "Unattached Items".

If mp3tofid writes a "complete set" of files including FID 100, then presumably it's not meant to be run on a non-empty player?

In Hijack, I need an easy way to detect up front whether the new format exists on a player, so I can avoid the time-costly lookups for new-style fids when none exist.. before falling back to the old-style regardless.

Does Hijack stat files that often? The player just looks for the new name first and, if it's not found, the old name. It already has to look in two places for each fid (i.e. each drive); looking in four places doesn't seem to have caused any user-visible slowdown.
