Patrick, do you see any potential price reductions down the road as you scale up production?
It's very difficult to say. The quantities are very small for production at the moment, and likely to stay like that. The tuner modules, which are by far the single largest cost of the project, don't have a major price break between hundreds (what I'm buying) and thousands.
Putting the kits together, by which I don't mean assembling them

, is very labour-intensive, and the rest of the parts are moderately pricey. I'm buying everything in quantities of 50 at a go, and again to get significant savings I'd have to go up to at least 250 off. I don't think the number of orders is likely to get to the point this could be sustained.
There was an initial huge burst of orders placed (25 in the first ten minutes, fifty in the first hour or so, nearly a hundred within 24 hours), but this has steadily dropped to around 5 a day (it's up to about 130 now). So as a result, I'm not going to be rushing out and buying $16000 worth of tuner modules which is what I'd have to do to get even a few percent better price.
The situation may change, but don't bank on it.