Ok, after doing much research, I've found out some more about OBEX and how Palm apps handle data. Basically there are four headers that we can define to send out with an OBEX object (on PalmOS 3.x). Those headers are:

Value	Type	Name		Description

0xC0 int Count Number of objects (used by Connect)
0x01 char* Name name of the object (often a file name)
0x05 char* Description text description of the object
0xCF int Creator ID indicates the creator of an object

We can't really use the Count object, but we can set the Name, Description and Creator ID. I'm suggesting that we use the Name header to determine where the object will go, more specifically the extension. This would allow other apps to "attach" themselves to other extensions like .txt and .vcd to handle those objects when beamed, and custom applications could use custom filenames almost like mime types. The ending extension for empeg-releated files would be .empeg, and you would define what app to send them to by the "filename". Controls such as VolUp and VolDown would be sent as


I am calling for anyone who would wish to develop an application that would beam OBEX objects to the Empeg to run the attached empire program on the empeg and give me the results of your device's output. I'm interested to see if any other devices output any other headers that I do not know about (custom headers are allowed per the OBEX spec). Also if you could tell me if there are any other headers that you could define, that would be great, too.

To use the empire binary, untar the attached file and upload all the lib* to your /lib directory on the empeg. You will have to create a few symbolic links, make the files in there look like this:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           24 Feb  7 00:45 libopenobex-1.0.so.0 -> libopenobex-1.0.so.0.0.0

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28796 Feb 7 00:45 libopenobex-1.0.so.0.0.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40328 Feb 7 00:45 libopenobex.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 744 Feb 7 00:45 libopenobex.la
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Feb 7 00:45 libopenobex.so -> libopenobex-1.0.so.0.0.0

then put the empire binary anywhere (maybe /bin) and execute empire. Send the data to the Empeg and copy the output and post it here. TheAmigo, I would be interested to see what headers your pager can send as well as what you could define when you write an app for it.

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention you need to have IrDA compiled into your kernel and irattach /dev/ttyS2 beforehand. If anyone needs the irattach binary, let me know.

139939-empire-test.tar.gz (167 downloads)

Edited by cushman (10/02/2003 14:40)
Mark Cushman