In particular the [image] tags?

What gets mangled? In theory it should be fixable pretty easially. One of the minor tweaks I want to fix is the URL issue for e-mail addresses.

Basic concept on how the backend works. The BBS takes your post, and neuters any HTML code. Then it converts the UBB code to HTML, and tosses it in the database. When you edit, the BBS goes through, returns the HTML code to UBB, and in theory everything is back to the way it was when you had it in the edit box the first time.

One important thing is the order. One of the bugs I created today was that when editing a post that used [q], it would have an [i] surrounded by HTML. The other issue is similar commands. If you look at the HTML source for the [q1] [q2] and [q3] tags, they all use slightly different capitalized tags to avoid confusing the back end.

The last issue that I can think of that is fixable in a method similar to the above is the [pre] and [code] tags. Right now, the code does a match on either one, but uses the same HTML code. Converting it back results in the [pre] tag every time.