When you use a PRE /PRE block, the next paragraph after the closing /PRE tag doesn't word wrap. In fact, it just kinda goes off the side of the screen, and you can't read it.
I've seen this, too. Dunno if it's an HTML/Browser problem or if it's in the UBB code somewhere. It'd be helpful if you could point us to a thread where it's happened, so that we could look at the rendered HTML and see where the problem is, exactly.

What I'd like to see is:

If someone posts a wide PRE block or a large image file, the entire thread widens to the width of that block or image. I wish the cells in the table that make up the thread could have independent widths so that one wide post didn't screw up the rest of the thread. This is a tough one, though, because I've struggled with the <table> tag before and it's no easy task to get something that works on all browsers in all situations.
Tony Fabris